LAA County Records

Click here to go to the Current LAA County Records Database

A quick note about the historical records, 1965 – 2006.

Historically, these records were collated by the various LAA Records Officers and presented for ratification at the LAA AGM each year in November. I have been through the historical LAA AGM minutes, found the various AGM records reports, scanned the County Records and these are given here.

However, the list is not quite complete, and you may be wondering why:

There are notes from the Records Officer in the late 1990s stating “No County Records Claims This Year” which explains the 1995, 1997, 1999 & 2000 omissions. This is a pity as I suspect that many Lady Recurve and Compound records were shot during this period.

Since 2007 the records have been added to an online database and by clicking a particular record it is possible to see previous record holders & scores.

Mark Leach

Records Officers:

  • 1965 J.B. Chapman

  • 1969 P.J. Bishop

  • 1978 Richard Priestman, Noreen Price (Field)

  • 2004 Geoff Tittensor

  • 2007 Mark Leach

Login page for the LAA Records Officer